How to Increase Player Engagement on Mobile games

Everyone loves to play a game or two on their phones, but how can you encourage players to stick with your game over others? Well, there are all manner of ways you can do this, but they do involve a little bit of time and effort.

Provide rewards

One way to encourage games to keep playing your game over others is to offer rewards. These can be specific in-game bonuses which are triggered when certain requirements are met. Alternatively, you can opt to have more external offers and rewards in place to increase player loyalty. These can be cheaper deals to purchase your game or deals within the game to buy additional items to improve gameplay.

Create a game site

You can also make your game more appealing by adding a dedicated game site. You can get help through other companies such as Pley when attempting to create the site. This will mean you get more traffic to your site, and you can create a more established, trustworthy brand.

Make it more available

Finally, you can also opt to make your game playable across other platforms. While mobile games are all the rage, many players prefer desktop access. Giving players the choice between mobile and desktop gaming will further boost your engagement.